
Digital Food Scale | Your Ultimate Diet Partner

Most of my family members bake, and I guess I am the only person in the brood of 6 who does not usually enjoy the whole baking process, I always prefer the tasting part. But my love for food would usually make me go looking for a pan and ladle in case no one else is around to prepare food for me. I've learned to cook and bake by reading a recipe since I was around 8 years old, with my mom's supervision.

Now, some recipes and cook books really turn me off, specially those which measure food in pounds and kilograms. Our kitchen did not have a weighing scale, and the only measuring devices I had were cups and spoons.
Imagine my ultimate happiness when I received a package from www.Tmart.com! I specifically chose to review this digital scale so I could try the hundreds of recipes that I have been skipping just because I could not measure the weight of flour and sugar.
This digital weighing scale has a capacity of 5 kilograms. The first thing that I did when I got my hands on the digital scale is that I weighed almost everything I could get my hands on. I weighed my favorite past time food, weighed the loaf of bread, weighed coins, the jar of mayonnaise, everything! I was really excited. Now I could get those cook books and start grinding on the kitchen and cook or bake anything that I want. 

One good thing about this digital scale is that I can also monitor my diet. Take a look at how I used the scale before indulging over a bar of chocolate:

This bar of Firklover is a gift from beau. I would normally eat the whole bar, I love Firklover. But since I have a digital scale, I could monitor my calorie intake. 25g of Firklover could give me 140 calories. I only want a single (or less) serving of this chocolatey goodness so I measured and made sure that my chocolate intake would not be over 25g.

This food weighing scale is a great home improvement tool. Add this in your kitchen and be prepared for all the food recipes that you would now be able to do just by having a digital food scale. And because it's so handy, don't limit using this in your kitchen. This could also be your ultimate diet partner.

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